25 September 2010

Truss Rod Troubles

After changing the strings on my Peavey Generation Triple Single EXP, I decided the truss rod needed a small adjustment. With the action down about where I wanted it, I was getting a little string buzz and when checking the the neck found a little less relief was needed.

Well , after getting out my usual assortment of wrenches for truss rod adjustment, I realized either I didn't have the correct size or else the nut was stripped. Since I hadn't adjusted the truss rod since I recently bought the guitar, a stripped nut would mean it came from the store already stripped.

So I throw it in the gig bag and head off to the local music store to ask Todd, the resident luthier, about it.

After a bit of trial and error, he finds it takes a 4.5 mm wrench which is an odd size size, at least compared to my Squier and the Ibanez I used to own.

After getting the proper wrench from Todd and heading home, I adjust the truss rod as needed, set the action as I like, and no more fret buzz!

I like it when a story has a happy ending and I'm really glad my Peavey didn't have a stripped truss rod nut. This thing has a great neck!

17 September 2010

Blues Jam

Here's a new jam I just did using a backing track off the web from Robert Renman. Recorded with my newest guitar, the Peavey Generation Triple Single Exp through a Tubescreamer into a Marshall MG15CDR using Audacity.

Check this out on Chirbit

13 September 2010

Guitar Pics

Here's a few pics of my guitars.